Thursday, June 23, 2005

A good day to dye

Well I did it. I mixed and mashed and steamed and here are my first attempts at dyed roving.

I'd give specific details, except that I don't have any. This is the first time that I have used this type of dye. I have used Rit dyes in the past; they have a limited color range, and are not very saturated at all. The .5-ounce size of the Jacquard dye is sufficient to dye 2 pounds of fiber! I had about 3/4 of a pound of roving on hand, so I had plenty of dye. I mixed about 1/2 teaspoon per cup of water, and then added a 1/4 of white vinegar. I laid out long swaths of Glad Wrap, laid the roving on top of that and poured on the dye, randomly. I then steamed each bundle for 15 minutes. When I rinsed out the bundles I was really surprised that more color did not wash out! Next time I will put a little more thought into my colorways (oooo get to use big $10 crafting word). But since I am not going to be spinning this, I really can just dye hunks in colors that please me.

I really do need to find some better fiber to dye. The roving that I purchased is really scratchy and doesn't felt very smoothly.

Next stop: get out the soapy water and get to felting!


Christie said...

Beautiful colors! So bright! So vibrant!

Anonymous said...

Wow are those gorgeous! It sounds like fun, but messy. I don't mind mess, until I have to clean it up.